Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy/Unhappy with service
Choose one of the sticker to stick on ur Ez-link card.
Tap card when enter train, data of mood entered to SMRT system.
SMRT will know percentage and know passenger mood in this way.
Percentage of mood will show on TV screen for everybody to see.
2) Sign Board
Happy/Unhappy with service
Vote on board, act as a advertisement board.
Everyone will see it.
3) A keychain
Green = ok
Red = Not happy
Green & red lights to show mood/emotion of each passengers.
Straight forward just by seeing colours to know the person's mood.
4) T-shirt
Whoever is unhappy with service, could sign on it.
See results of total on who are unhappy.
5) A keychain
Something that can be squeeze/punch.
Unhappy, you can take it to entertain you by squeezing it.
Colour will change when amount of affordance make.
6) Heat sensor
Sense platform/train people. Amount of people generate to system and they will know if train is pack with people or empty.
7) Sound recorder
Record your shout/unhappiness/screams on recorder along platform to relieve anger/frustration.
8) Card Holder
Card holder is something that almost everyone use daily to keep their Ez-link cards.
So it's just like a bunch of keys that you will never forget to bring with you.
Card holder, have 2 buttons. A red, a green. Show mood on card holder.
9) Handbag
Something that can help reduce bag space.
Can put many things but can become small.
For the purpose to help train don't feel so squeezy.
10) Denium code
Take photo of someone else code/serial number
The other person's shirt will light up and get some message.
11) Hooker on train
Take hooker happy/unhappy sign on train hook. So everyone can place their mood on train to let SMRT know.
12) Gather everyone to on Hp ringtones & make alot of noise outside mrt train/platform to show unhappiness with service.
13) Give people a tin of cough sweet. After clear throat, return tin to us. And gather somewhere and start singing songs/shout outside mrt train/platform.
14) Screen Protector
On Hp, mp3, watch.
Message on unhappy train will be shown when radiation detected.
Everyone can see it.
Serve a function that everyone need too.
15) Mirror
Solar system on mirror. Show message when sunlight shine on mirror.
16) Puzzle keychain, magnet, pins. [Can be customised]
100 people receive this keychain.
Everyone need to meet up and combine each piece of puzzle together to see a whole picture. Which will be the unhappy message.
Added function: rubber puzzle keychain that can coil wires together. As we notice alot of people will listen to mp3 on train. So this things may help them.
17) Balls
100 people, each receive a rubber ball.
Pass around to people that you don't know. Pass, pass, pass, ended to SMRT people. Message will be shown on balls. So SMRT will know people that are unhappy with service.
18) Paste the whole train with stickers.
Stickers shows empty train scenes. Make illusion to passenger standing and squeezing make them to assume that they are in a empty train, but they are actually not.
Make their mood better in a visual way.
19) Aching plaster
Normally aching plaster have no design on it.
We add designs and message on train issue on plaster. People will wear as a design/tatoo. Show some message and serve a purpose.
20) Installion
Platform floor install colour chart to it.
Tell passengers on next train coming, is it empty/pack with people.
How they know?
By using colours. Red = Pack, Red-orange = quite pack, Yellow = not pack
So they will know the next coming train to prepare themselve if they want to take train.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Survey Graph
[Passengers bothered/not bothered by the Yishun train issue]

* Percentage shows that it's almost the same amount of people bothered/not bothered by it.
* Results shows that alot of people don't choose to participate on any campaign. They feel that it's wasting time.
[Graph show result on prefered accessories]

* Most of them choose to use anything given.
* Second rating will be keychains.
Notice that user want something small and not troublesome for them to go along with.
Why people wear bandge [ Eg: Drug abuse campaige, breast cancer campaige, etc.. ] ?
Secondary/Primary school students wear them because they are told to do it for like 2weeks.
Why people paste sticker on their shirt after donating some funds to the flag day?
All age group. As they gave some money to donation, excepting others not to ask them again to donate, so they have to paste it on them for that day to so-call show some prove.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
User Research - [10/09/08]
Passenger 1 [ Secondary school student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
- No, i don't know about it.
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
- I felt irritated.
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
- I felt irritated.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
- No.
Did you see any familiar faces?
- No.
Will you wait for an empty train?
- No, I won't wait.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
- It depends. Anything.
She waited for J.E train, but train came & it's too pack.
End up she need to wait for another train towards J.E again.
I think she spent her waiting time more than 10mins, but can't get in train yet.
Passenger 2 [ Student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
No, i don't know.
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
I will just wait for the train. No complain about the Yishun train issue.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
It depends. If i'm not in a rush & have the time, I will wait.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
Yes, I'm willing to use it.
Passenger 3 [ Poly student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
No, i don't know.
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
I don't like to squeeze with others.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
It depends, when in a rush, i will just squeeze with others even though the train is packed.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
Depends, on what it is. I like things that are simple, user-friendly, not tangle-ing stuffs [ troublesome].
But why? can't we just approached SMRT staff about problem?
Passenger 4 [ Poly student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
No, i don't know.
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
I'm not bother by train towards Yishun.
No complain about it.
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
No complain.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
Probability no. Don't want to waste time waiting.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
No, I don't see a need. As i can just approached the SMRT staff.
Passenger 5 [ Working adult, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
No, i don't know the reason.
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
I'm not bother with the train issue as i seldom board train towards this direction. Only take when i meet friends.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
Yes, i will wait.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
No, i don't see the need.
Passenger 6 [ Primary school student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
I think is to let people alighting at Yishun to board the train that terminates at Yishun. So that there will be less people inside the train that terminates at Jurong east.
So actually, she doesn't know the real purpose.
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
I felt insecure when squeezing with alot of strangers inside the cabins.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
Can, i'm willing to try.
Passenger 7 [ Poly student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
Passenger 8 [ Working adult, Male ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
Yes, i know the reason.
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
Depends, I just want to get out of the train fast too.
Feel that if i miss a train, i need to wait again & it's not good.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
Depends, if the distance is short, i won't wait.
If travel distance is longer, i would rather wait for that few mins to board a empty train.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
No, I think they just need to increase the frequency of train services.
Passenger 9 [ Foreginer, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
It's normal, it's also a lifestyle.
I seldom take train to this direction. But i enjoy taking train as it is convienence, no traffice jam, map is easy to understand, also recorded voices telling her the next station, comfortable.
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
Did you see any familiar faces?
Will you wait for an empty train?
Yes, if i'm not i a hurry. As i wanted to sit down. But i won't wait if i'm in a rush.
Passenger 10 [ Working adult, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
Have you seen any interesting happenings?
If there is, i might have forgotten them already as they are not important enough for me to remember.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
No. Not a need.
Passenger 11 [ Poly student, Female ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
How you feel when you need to wait for next train?
I don't mind if it's not during peak hours.
How do you feel when you need to squeeze with others?
Don't mind squeezing if not that packed.
Will you wait for an empty train?
Don't mind to wait if not in a hurry.
If we were to do something for you to show your emotion on the SMRT service to let them know, will you use it?
Willing to use. Prefer simple stuff.
Passenger 12 [ Working adult, Male ]
Do you the reason behind on the trains terminating at Yishun?
I know it turns around, but i don't know the purpose.
Reason on Train terminating at Yishun Station
During peak hours in weekdays, northbound trains will terminate at platform A of Yishun MRT Station, to perform a turnaround at the middle track located between Sembawang and Yishun station (as there are 3 rail lines so that the trains can easily switch track without disturbing on coming train service), after that, the turnaround train will arrive at platform B of the station to travel towards Marina Bay. Such turnaround train service provides a higher train frequency for passengers travelling towards Marina Bay from Yishun as the passenger loading along this stretch of line is higher than that of between Yishun and Jurong East.
Reference from:
Definition & Purpose of Accessories
- Accessories add colour, style and class to an outfit and create certain look.
- But it has certain function [ Eg: Handbags for carrying, gloves to keep hands warm, etc ]
Purposes/Types/Uses of wearable accessories
• Fashion [ Eg: bag, hats, wig ]
• Decorative purposes [ Eg: Jewelry, stocking, leggings, etc ]
• Fitness Devices
• Technology Accessories [ Eg: mp3, handphone, fan tie ]
• Edible Accessories
• Recycled materials accessories
• Craft [ Eg: Hand-made polymer clay asscessories ]
• For function purposes [ Eg: Like gathering, hot/ cold weather ]
• Occupations [ Eg: tie, watch, shoes ]
• Safety [ Eg: safety helmet ]
• Cultural/religious → as visual symbols [ Eg: Islamic headscarves, turbans ]
• Marital status [ Eg: Rings, Bindi (Indian forehead dots) ]
• Designer label → indicator of social status
• Occasions
• Identity [ Eg: - Some dress differently from others as they want to be away from crowd ]
- Distinctive / Icon- Pop/ In/ Retro
• Superstition
• Accessories can be used to express our personality and power
• To cover up/ Block [ Eg: Headscarves and wig are used by some people to cover up baldness or white hair. ]
User Research - [09/09/08]
Person 1 [ Jason, who knows the purpose of terminating train at yishun. ]
How do you feel when you see train going towards yishun and not jurong east?
- Feel that it's not fair. Why the other direction train are always empty and fast & not my direction.
- I hardly squeeze in.
While waiting for next train, what will you do?
- Do nothing, preparing to squeeze into next train.
- I'm in a rush. But i can only look at the TV, to hope to see the train timing turn fast.
Inside the train?
- I felt that it can be further improved. But why SMRT did not solved them.
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- Ya, i will wait rather than squeeze. Because too many people at this timing.
Did you see any interesting happenings during your travel?
- Yes. I saw some people[working adults] in the morning during peak hours, they will stand outside train although train are quite empty & its towards the direction they wanna take.
- They are blocking people that are alighting train at stations. [Meaning those people that alight are rushing too.]
I felt that SMRT is neglecting current problem.
Person 2 [ Evonne, who is taking to Yishun ]
How do you feel when you see train going towards yishun and not jurong east?
- It doesn't bother me. As i'm alighting at Yishun anyway.
- No affects, just take.
Inside the train?
- I felt sian as i must squeeze with others when train are pack.
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- I won't wait because it's just 2 stations, so may as well squeeze.
If you are taking more than 2 stations, will you wait for a empty train?
- Yes. I will wait. Provided i'm earlier than schedule time.
Person 3 [ Zijun, who is taking train towards Jurong east. ]
How do you feel when you see train going towards yishun and not jurong east?
- I feel sian, as i need to wait.
- During peak hours, of course everyone wants to rush home.
- Realised non-peak hours, no such services & peak hours having such thing.
- Trouble me
While waiting for next train, what will you do?
- Felt that why the other direction service train has the privilege, why this direction have to squeeze?
- Felt unfairly treated. As this direction also have alot of people. They can't only think of the other direction that are towards the city areas.
Inside the train?
- Felt that the transport fare is increasing, yet i still need to squeeze with people.
- Uncomfortable squeezing with strangers, but have no choice.
- I will feel irritated by anything. No matter minor/major.
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- I will wait only if i'm with my friends. If not, i'm prepare to squeeze.
Did you see any interesting happenings during your travel?
- During morning peak hours, working adults standby at stations, right behind the yellow lines to wait for a empty train.
- Causes others that are alighting from train not to have any space to alight.
Because those people standing outside are all blocking the whole center area where the doors will open right at the center areas.
This causes people to alight at the corners as they have no space to walk. Those people are just stuck at the center and they wouldn't let people alighting to walk pass them.
I feel that SMRT should have realised this problem, but they did nothing to solved it.
I felt that to solve this crowd standing outside train, they can just don't let this empty train to arrive at those stations. [ meaning not letting passengers knowing that there are such services. ]
They should stop this service in order to solve problem.
Interesting happenings
Case 1
- Empty train came and stop at middle track.
- Aunty walked up and stand in front of doors. [ waiting for door to open, and she can get a seat to sit. ]
- Door not opening immediatly after stopping train. [ not as what she expect it to open fast ]
- Aunty screamed "Open the door!" and bang her hands at train doors.
The first thing i feel was that she is very rush, abit crazy as she shout but she can't do anything too.
Case 2
- Inside train going home from Yck. Saw a student walking to & from continuously inside train.
I feel that the student is weird and it's distracting to see people moving. Why can't he stand still? It's irritating.
Familiar Faces
- I saw some of them on my way to school inside train at jurong east.
- One of them is a student. Heading to school at Woodlands.
- Another one, a working adult. Heading to Yck.
I feel they have to same routine as me. Because i will always walk to the last cabin to board train.
I believe they have this routine too.
Person 4 [ Jiayu, who is experiencing the direction towards jurong east. ]
How do you feel when you see train going towards yishun and not jurong east?
- Irritated
- Need to wait & wait
- Waste time
- Why? I don't understand. After knowing the purpose, felt unfairly treated.
While waiting for next train, what will you do?
- Look around
- If with friends, chat with them
Inside the train?
- Felt irritated, sian
- Anything can irritate me easily [ Eg: odour, hp ringtone, baby crying ]
- People blocking me from alighting
- People not moving into the middle cabins of train
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- Only if i have the time.
Person 5 [ Yanbing, who is taking train towards Jurong East. ]
How do you feel when you see train going towards yishun and not jurong east?- I felt sian, as i have to wait again.
- I don't understand why
- Felt fed up
While waiting for next train, what will you do?
- If possible, i will play PSP. If too many people then i will just stare into space / keep looking at the board to check the time.
Inside the train?
- Felt insecure & annoyed when many people touching / looking at me.
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- If there is, i will wait.
Did you see any interesting happenings during your travel?
- People quarreling because of staring and mocking at them.
Familiar Faces
- During morning peak hours only. Mostly working adults.
Person 6 [ Yanbing's friend, who is taking train towards marina bay. ]
Will you wait for a empty train instead of squeezing with others?
- Yes. I always do that.
- Because i worked at bukit batok, and the train toward marina bay is always pack.
- I will take train back to jurong east first, then take back to marina bay direction.